Tuesday 5 October 2010

Research - Teaser Trailer Analysis


Rec 2
The trailer is for Rec 2, a film I have analysed a magazine cover for and the sequal to Rec a film which poster I also analysed. They use the name of the producer and director to advertise the film and the trailer and poster use a tagline for the film. They all use the same well known name/logo of the film [Rec] with a recording red dot that has become an icon of the film.
The trailer is only 1 minute and 2 seconds long which is a code and convention of teaser trailers, which tend to be shorter than a normal trailer.
First of all we hear the non-digetic music which carries on for the duration of the trailer. It is a very classical piece of music, which helps create a contrasting effect when combined with the clips in the trailer.
The first thing we see is the logo of the producers of the film, and this cuts into the clips from the film with an interesting effect similar to a bad signal on a TV, this also works with the music which at the same point does a similar thing. This could also be to show how this film works, as it is all filmed on hand-held camera looking to create a 'found footage' style film which was used for the first, so the bad signal or loss of connection feel this gives conveys that well.
The trailer then cuts to a van or similar vehicle where there are soldiers loading ammo into their guns. This immediately shows the viewer that what is happening is serious if speciallist soldiers are having to be called in; for all who have seen the first film will already know why, but for those who haven't it makes them wonder 'why are they there? what is serious enough for them to be needed?'
A quick cut fits in with the loading of the ammo and the click of it being inserted into the gun is enhanced as the first bit of digetic sound we hear. There is next a fad cut to the soldiers moving up a flight of stairs. It is dark and the floor is a red/burgundy colour which could convey the theme of blood for the horror film. There are more fade cuts to show the soldiers purposefully searching rooms and again for people who've seen the film, they know why, but for those who haven't they again wonder what they might be looking for.
It then cuts to a camera view from a persons helmet and shows a zombie type person running towards the camera, the man whos point of view we are seeing from then fires his gun killing the zombie. All of this is a from a low-angle camera angle showing the power and control of the soldier.
Then we begin to see things going wrong as some of the soldiers are attacked and bitten. The splatters of blood all show this to be a typical horror film, which will attract those who are probably going to watch a similar film as to the trailer being shown.
The camera again has a sort of static effect implemented, which also again works with the non-digetic sound.
All sound goes, and the tagline for the film appears 'THE PARTY IS OVER' which fades to the title of the film and then to 'coming soon' fading with the same effect used earlier on. The lack of a deffinate date of release is again a code and another convention of a teaser trailer.
The film uses the fear of the unknown to attract the viewer here and this is going to be useful for my trailer as my film would not have the fanbase of the big films, just like this film.

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