Tuesday 5 October 2010

Research - Teaser Trailer Analysis 2


Friday the 13th

The first things we see are the producers of the films logos, this seems to be a code and convention of teaser trailers as this was used in the first trailer I analysed. There is non-digetic sound which sounds like a lake or forrest sound.
The shot then fades to a lake and there is a zoom which draws the viewer more into the trailer, and the previously non-digetic sound becomes the digetic sound of this scene. There is then a quick cut with a white flash which is syncronized with a non-digetic sound grabbing the viewers attention. There is a swinging light and again the same cut with the same non digetic sound. The music becomes darker and more sinister creating an intense and attention grabbing moment making the viewer think 'what's next?'
We now hear a distant voice speaking as though to us. There are also two cuts going closer to a cabin, and then the same cut used previously.
The a creaking door opening, flashing light moving and the sound of heavy breathing running, immediately creates a sinister and dark atmosphere. The non-digetic voice is telling a story, and in the digetic sound we hear a scared womans voice say 'oh my god' again with the quick cuts with the flashes buidling up to something. Then a cut to the producers name so that people who like him can be attracted to another film of his. A cut to a woman holding her hand over her mouth her eyes wide the cuts quicken and keep buidling to something we do not yet know.
Then more cuts with running people and looks of fear all showing this is a horror film, then another cut to the director again for the same effect on the audience of the producer. Then faster cuts a heartbeat sort of sound and a rising pitch of another sound, with the narrator continuing all drawing the viewer in overwhelming every sense creating the fear withing them to show them this film will make you scared. The flashing light returns after the narrator say 'his name was jason' then he appears under the light with the quick cuts and disapears with a boom non digetic sound. It hits the audience now, or those who know about horror films, that this is a remake of one of the best horror films of all time. This not only pulls in fans of the original but also attracts new viewers through the senses being overwhelmed giving them a taster of the film. The sound goes, and the narrator says 'and today is his birthday' and the scene cuts to a woman on the floor trying to get away from jason and her scream is alot louder then anything else so far and cuts in suddenly to make people jump.
A slow more sinister non-digetic beat comes on now and a reverse zoom comes away showing his mask which is a legendary trade mark of the film that everyone recognises. The title then fades onto the screen and the 13 turns red for the theme of blood again conveying the horror film. The credits then appear and fades with the date of the films release.
Unlike the Rec 2 trailer this trailer uses overwhelming of the senses and the legend of the film to attract people with this trailer. The way it uses the senses is an interesting method and I will certainly look into this when i come to creating my own trailer.

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