Tuesday 5 October 2010

Research - Teaser Trailer Analysis 3


Don't be Afraid of the Dark
Again the first thing we see is the logo of the producers of the film, and there is a non-digetic sound, very quietly but just enough to hear. It makes the viewer strain there ears to hear what it is, it fades into a voice (this seems to be a convention of horror films teaser trailers to have a narrator this is an idea I could use for my trailer). As this trailer is mainly going to be seen in the cinema the words are perfect for inspiring fear in the viewer. After it speaks there is a dramatic pause this makes the audience really think about what has just been said. As of yet there has been no footage on screen that makes the audience really concentrate on what is being said. The style has been reversed you can see the footage in the word 'don't' which suddenly appears with a sound to contrast to the lull in sound and onscreen action, aimed to make people jump. There are lots of quick cuts showing clips from the film all of which are zooming in aiming to draw in the viewer, the words of the title all appear amongst these cuts as the non-digetic sound builds and suddenly stops on dark. The name of the producer then appears so fans of him will be convinced to go and see it. The next 15 seconds are all of one clips with no non-digetic sound, of a little girl crawling under the bed covers, then suddenly something jumps out at her again creating a 'jump moment'. The website of the film then appears and then the credits.
From this trailer I've confirmed some of the codes and conventions on teaser trailers. For example they were all less then 2 minutes and it would be a good idea to follow suit. 2/3 didn't mention when the film would be out as teaser trailers are often released up to a year before the release of the film, so there is no defined date. A narrator could also be a good idea as for both films they created an atmosphere that worked to create 'jump moments' and also inform the viewer on what the film is about and also drawing there attention to the trailer.

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