Tuesday 12 October 2010

Planning - Ideas

I am going to create a horror genre teaser trailer, magazine front cover with our film as the feature article, and an advertising poster for our film.

I will have come up with a number of ideas individually, and will look at which has the most potential, will be best suited to our capabilities, and best to develop. We each have thought up 3 basic ideas for a plot to a film, which we will use to create our promotion package.

Idea 1:

A successful business woman has a near death experience in a car accident which leaves her husband and two children dead. She is given leave of work due to the tragedy and begins to see a teenage girl wearing the same red hoody her teenage daughter was wearing on the day of the accident.
Every time she sees this girl someone close to our main character is killed in ever more gruesome ways. Convinced this girl is a ghost of her daughter doing this to punish her for the car accident, and tries everything from priests to scientists, all who end up killed by the girl.
Eventually the woman decides that the ghost wants her to die, otherwise everyone she cares about will be killed instead, and about to kill herself police stop her.
It is slowly revealed in fact that she herself is the murderer and her guilt has driven her insane and her mind has conjured up this ‘ghost’ to relieve her guilt.
She is taken to a mental hospital, however at the end of the credits back at the mental hospital the doctors have been killed and there is blood all over her room with her sitting in a corner laughing.

Idea 2:

A group of teenagers celebrate the end of their a-levels by going camping by a ‘haunted lake’ given the name by the number of unexplained disappearances. There are 7 teenagers, 5 begin to set up camp and 2 go wandering off with the camera to find ‘ghosts’ jokingly. One of the girls back at the camp thinks she sees a face in the lake but blinks and it is gone. The two who have wandered off begin messing around, and one of them falls in the lake, they get back on the land and say the water tasted horrible and they won’t use any of that for drinking, as they walk away the place where he fell and the water turns red into blood.
That night the boy who drank the water gets sick, and they others debate whether they should abandon there trip and take him to hospital, Jake, the natural leader of the group says he has worked hard all year and looked forward to this trip, and that the guy who is sick will simply have to get over it. The next morning the sick boy is gone. They go looking for him but find no sign of him and decide they need to phone the police, none of them can get any reception in the woods so split up and go looking for somewhere to phone the police 1 by 1 they all disappear until the final 3 decide to head back to camp as they cannot find any place, un-knowing of the fact their friends are missing. They wait for the others to come back, the first boy then jumps out attacking one of the last 3 he falls and there is a sickening crack as his head hits a stone. They first boy runs away. Now aware that something is wrong and that they are being hunted they put the injured boy in one of the tents. The next morning he is gone. With two of them left they go looking for a way out of the woods, after walking in circles for many times the last boy stands by the lake and is dragged into the lake the girl tries to help him but he is dragged under the water, she runs back to the camp and hides in one of the tents, as darkness looms there are shadows of all of her friends outside the tent and then the 3 of them jump through the entrance of the tent and attack. Her screams continue throughout the credits.

Idea 3:

It’s the year 2415, nuclear war has destroyed humanities peak of civilisation and now a few survivors, are left to find food, clothes and shelter, but they are not alone. Nuclear war through out the 24th century has left 7 billion dead. Less than 100,000 across the world are left alive. When the group of surviving men women and children set up camp near what used to be Manchester, they soon find they are not the only survivors there. A group of ‘survivors’ have also been near Manchester for a long time, but the nuclear radiation has changed them. Living in caves in the dark, they hunt at night killing many of the surviving group. One by one they are picked off in ever more horrific ways, until one of the children is dragged underground into the caves, the last 3 scavenge whatever they can to use for light and weapons and go into the caves to save the child. They rescue the child but the ‘survivor’ tribe leader a huge mutant who bears only the slightest resemblance to the human he used to be kills the two men, the woman and her daughter trying to escape through the elaborate tunnel system runs into a group of surviving soldiers from the nuclear war, who fire at they mutant and close a door to their den blocking the way behind them. One of the soldiers tells the woman ‘you shouldn’t have come here’ and the film ends with the credits.

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