Monday 1 November 2010

Planning - Timings

0-5 Seconds – Producer Logo
5-10 Seconds – Static

10-11 Seconds - Close Up of Mouth
11-12 Seconds - Static
12-28 Seconds – Establishing Shot
28-30 Seconds – Extreme Close Up Shot
30-31 Seconds – Static

31-37 Seconds - Medium Shot, Rotation to Close Up on Eyes
37-47 Seconds – Long Shot
47-48 Seconds – Static
48-52 Seconds – Close Up/Over-the-Shoulder Shot

52-53 Seconds - Extreme Close Up on Eyes
53-54 Seconds - Static
54-58 Seconds - Long Shot to Extreme Close Up, Fast Zoom, Camera Shaking as Zooming
58-60 Seconds – Black Screen
60-64 Seconds – Title Screen
64-66 Seconds – Release Date

66-68 Seconds - Medium Close Up

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