Friday 5 November 2010

Planning - Advertising Poster Ideas

This is a very traditional film poster layout with all the text information in one area, behind one large image. Seen as it's the most common style, it has got to be a very succesful layout for posters and deffinately a layout which is should consider to use. The main focus is the text with the bold name of the film in the centre of the page so it immediately catches your eye. This is going to be far more suitable for my film as it is important to get the name of the film across to my target audience as i do not have an established fan base for my film.
The main image will be a close up with seeing half the face of the ghost and the black eyes,the background around outside the image will be black. The fonts for all the text will be 'Charlemagne Standard' the title will be in bright white and the rest of the text in a pale yellow colour. The title will be the boldest with the tagline and release date biggest after that.

This layout is far less traditional but still quite common with some of the text information seperated. There is still a main image used instead of a background and the list of actors actresses producers etc in the traditional place, but the name of the film, tagline and release date is all in the top right hand corner of the page. This makes the image the main focus, which would be suitable for a film with an iconic image like friday the 13th or the texas chainsaw massacre but seen as my film is a new film with no large fan base this layout is probably not the most suitable for my films advertising.
The main image will be along shot of the ghost with a dark background and most of the image really dark with the bright red hoody. The text will be in a bold font 'Invers SF' all in white, and the title will be the largest and boldest, with the tagline and release date as the second biggest and boldest.

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