Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation - Script

Slide 1
In my evaluation, I am going to cover 5 main areas. Forms & Conventions, The Promotional Package, The Feedback, Technology Used, and What I’d Change.
[Click on hyperlink to Forms & Conventions slide]

Slide 2
One of the magazines I analysed was Rue Morgue, [click for image][click for bullet points][point out the parts on the magazine]
• Title is biggest font.
• Title is most unique font.
• Big single image.
• Image is background
• Barcode is out of the way
• Main article title 2nd biggest.
• Changes in font colour and size.
• Tagline for the magazine less obvious.
• Information around the barcode.
• Clear separation of articles.
• Bold article titles.
[click for image] When creating my magazine cover, I tried to bear in mind these conventions. [Click for bullet points][point out the parts on the magazine].
Explain reasons for conforming or not.
A poster I analysed was for Rec2 which was the film on the Rue Morgue cover, the conventions I learnt from it were; [click for image and bullet points]
• Image based on, but not directly from the film.
• Title of film is biggest text.
• Changes in font size in the
• Directors name.
• Name of actors.
• Producers.
• Tagline.
• Image quality and colour has been edited to help create the effect.
• Sponsors of film
• [click for image] When creating my poster, I tried to bear in mind these conventions. [Click for bullet points][point out the parts on the poster].
Explain reasons for conforming or not
[Click to next slide]

Slide 3
[Click on link to trailer]
[Click for points]
• It should be between 1 minute and 2 ½ minutes (preferably on the shorter side of the scale)
• There should be dark/limited lighting to create ‘the fear of the unknown’.
• There should be a build up of quickening cuts to a climax of the trailer (which should be a ‘jump moment’).
• There should be no reference to a specific date of release.
• The title of the film should be after the majority of the trailer.
• The credits should be at the very end.
• The trailer should use sound and images to overwhelm the senses to create an effective and scary trailer.
• A tagline could be included before the title of the film.
• I should use an obvious hand held camera is an effective way of making the trailer feel more realistic and again scary.
• There should be use of/lack of non-digetic sound is an effective way of creating fear in the audience through making ‘jump moments’ overwhelming the senses or creating a focus to what is happening on screen or making a lull towards a jump moment.
• There should be reference to the directors of the film so that it provides advertisement for us but also any fans of us will want to see one of our films.
• The producer logo should be at the very beginning of the trailer.
Explain reason for conforming or not.
[Click to next slide]

Slide 4
[Click for images & points]
To create a promotional package for my film, it was important to create a connection for all 3 aspects of the package. I did this mainly through two ways; using font style and images.
In all 3 I used the same font to create a connection between the 3 pieces. In each 3 the font has been altered slightly depending on the editing tools at my disposal. Although the basic font is the same, the magazine cover and trailer use a glow to enhance the situation. The poster doesn’t however because I think the minimalistic style of the poster works well.
The image is the same on all 3 though on the magazine it has been flipped so it fits on the magazine cover well. However in the trailer it is the overwhelming weakness of the trailer. However it all links well and is clearly part of the same promotional package.
[Click to next slide]

Slide 5
[Click for images] [Point out how I used each to get feedback.]
To get some feedback on my promotional package, I have asked for people to comment on them via my facebook and YouTube pages. I have also created a focus questionnaire and gathered the responses.
A lot of people commented on how they did not like the blue image included after the first text in the trailer, taking this into consideration, in my own time, I have looked at how I could have improved this. People said they felt the feel of the trailer was excellent and many people have said they want to see what I do next. People really seemed to like the voice over at the start, but the shot of Mlondile Moyo crawling back away from the ghost is a shot they did not like. One other area of the trailer people found not so good was how the music was not all tied together and how the heartbeats did not go from the start of the trailer. The ending, and text were particular favourites amongst people I asked. People have said they felt the magazine wasn’t interesting enough and how it didn’t look professional enough, but everyone agreed that the poster I designed was excellent and could find no ways to improve it.
[Click for next slide]

Slide 6
One of the fundamental technologies I used during the project was iMovie. This is the software I used for the editing of my trailer.
There were a lot of features on iMovie that I used such as; the colours, brightness, exposure, speed and length of the clip, text, inserting images, video and sound.
These features were an important part to creating my trailer as it relies a lot on effects to create a spooky, super-natural feel.
Here are some examples of how using the editing software enhanced important parts of my trailer.
[Click for images] [Point out what I did for each]
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Slide 7
After I finished my project, in my spare time I began experimenting with certain parts of my project. One was the main image of the film, the iconic blue image. When I first made this image it became very difficult to put into my trailer. The people I have asked agree with my opinion that the using of the image after the first bit of text, is a weak point in the trailer. So working on this I looked at other alternatives such as using a still from the film for use in the trailer magazine front cover and poster. With a new image this is how all three would look.
[Click for images]
[Click to next slide]

Slide 8
Thank you for watching

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